Considerations for Whole House Exhaust Fans

The unique ducted design of whole house fans overcomes many traditional challenges related to operation and installation. Issues like loud noise, heat loss, and maintenance problems are resolved. However, it's important to recognize that whole house fans have inherent limitations as cooling devices.

Distinction from Air Conditioners

While most air conditioners produce air around 20 degrees cooler than the indoor temperature, whole house fans use outdoor air to cool the house. With their high airflow rates, a 10-degree temperature difference between indoor and outdoor spaces is sufficient to initiate cooling.

Heat Dissipation from Entire Structure

During hot days, the building structure absorbs and retains heat, radiating it into the living space until it dissipates. Operating a whole house fan in the evening, night, or early morning not only eliminates stale indoor air but also cools the entire structure.

Differences in Cooling Old vs. New Homes

Older homes, with single-pane windows and less insulation, tend to heat up faster than newer homes with double-pane windows and better insulation. This allows outside heat to penetrate older homes more rapidly.

Managing Two-Story Homes

Heat tends to rise, resulting in warmer upstairs areas in two-story homes. To cool upstairs spaces effectively, keep downstairs windows closed and upstairs windows open. Adjust window openings based on room temperatures, as some rooms may require more ventilation than others.


Whether your home is big, small, or somewhere in between, the benefits are endless. especially in this climate that we live in. Call us at 916-714-7667 to get a professional to come out and start saving money, and the environment today!

Elk Grove Plumbing, Drain, Heating & Air specializes in installation and service of whole house fans in Sacramento, CA and surrounding areas. Whole House Fans are an ideal money saving and comfort giving device for your home.

A whole house fan expels hot air from your home into the attic while drawing in cool outdoor air through the windows, creating a comfortable and cool indoor environment.

This type of fan offers natural and efficient cooling at a fraction of the cost of air conditioning, making it a top choice for enhancing home energy efficiency.

Understanding Daytime Heat Build-Up and Solutions

Throughout the day, rising outdoor temperatures result in heat being absorbed by the walls and interior of your home, making cooling challenging and expensive. As the outdoor temperature drops, the heat trapped inside your home can lead to discomfort, especially in upper levels. While air conditioning is a common solution, it can be costly during hot summer months. A Giddens Brothers or QA-Deluxe whole house fan offers a cost-effective solution by effectively reducing indoor temperatures, often eliminating the need for air conditioning and consuming significantly less energy than a standard central air system.

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